The extreme remoteness of the Arctic poses a unique challenge in that it requires advance planning through all phases of construction for any logistic-supporting facilities. Temporary facilities for the movement of equipment, materials, and personnel must be planned and designed in addition to the permanent facilities. Electrical systems that support infrastructure have to be very rugged and reliable, since system failure can cause an interruption to site access and function. The arctic environment is not suited to most electrical systems, so system designs must frequently be modified without exceeding the project budget.
Morris Engineering Group, Inc. produces arctic designs which are tailored both to the environment and to the requirements of the oil and gas industry. Our engineers are familiar with the company processes, procedures, standards, and specifications of ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, and others. We have provided planning, preliminary scoping, cost estimating, PRE-FEED, FEED engineering, procurement assistance, construction administration and inspection services for these types of projects.

Because of their remote nature, we have found that other parts of Alaska share many of the challenging characteristics of the arctic and therefore share many of the same design needs, such as extreme reliability, temporary facilities during construction, minimal required maintenance, and unique design solutions where off-the-shelf products will not last. We believe this same design approach would benefit other remote parts of the world as well.
We are always looking to improve designs with solutions that are “hiding in plain sight,” avoiding a cookie-cutter mentality. We reuse concepts that have been proven to work in similar applications, and we work to design the best possible solution where a new approach is needed or innovations in technology and materials offer lower cost, greater reliability, or a higher performance solution.

Alpine Airport Lighting
CPAI Willow Development
CD3 Runway
Point Thomson Airstrip
Kuparuk Airport Renovations
Barrow Pump Stations 2, 3, 4, & 5
and others