There are some unique challenges to designing effective roadway lighting, and our engineers are experienced and equipped to work with these conditions. We are designing more uniform lighting levels and have much better control of the lighting than prior installments. Morris Engineering Group, Inc. has designed street lighting projects including residential streets, commercial streets, downtown streets, and roadway lighting for highways.
Glare control is a major factor in street lighting design. The locations of the light poles are key for both good lighting for the drivers as well as reducing spill light to adjacent property owners. We design both luminance and foot-candle levels to meet Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) lighting standards, which are adopted by AASHTO.

LED lighting has been a challenge to incorporate into street lighting due to glare control, poor reliability, overall lower light levels, and the change in the color of the light from the traditional high pressure sodium. We have worked with manufacturers to augment their glare control with additional shielding. We have done the research to see who makes reliable drivers that can deliver the necessary light at lower drive currents. This significantly increases the service life of the luminaires. We can now provide an electronic file to a manufacturer with the photometric performance we need for a luminaire instead of having to pick from five lighting distribution options.

Pole technology has also come a long way with powder coating of hot dipped stainless steel for the greatest strength and durability. Aluminum poles are also very useful for lower mounting heights, more decorative lighting, downtown areas, pedestrian walkways, etc.
Utility coordination and relocation is a significant portion of many street reconstruction projects. We have extensive experience working with project designers and utilities to reduce the impact to the utilities and therefore also the resultant cost.

Anka Street Construction Services
Berners Ave. Reconstruction
Capital Transit – Valley Transit Center
Cessna Drive Reconstruction
Columbia Blvd. Reconstruction
Crow Hill/Lawson Creek Street Reconstruction
Davis Ave. Reconstruction
DOT Mendenhall Loop Road Capacity Improvements
Douglas Hwy Resurfacing
Evergreen Ave. Reconstruction
Great Western Street Reconstruction
Greenwood Ave.
Hospital Drive Lighting
Jerry Blvd. & Marsha Ave. Streets Reconstruction
JIA Access Road
Lakewood Blvd. Reconstruction
Lemon Creek Bus Turnaround
Lena Point Access Road
Linda Ave Reconstruction
Marsha Ave.
Mendenhall Blvd. Reconstruction
Petersburg Main St.
Pioneer Ave.
Radcliffe St. Reconstruction
Riverside Drive Reconstruction
Riverwood Subdivision Drainage Study
Salmon Creek Lane Extension
Seward St. Reconstruction
Shattuck Way Reconstruction
Sitka Intersection Safety
Sitka Sawmill Creek Rd
Sitka Steawalk
St. Ann’s Ave. Reconstruction
Statter Harbor Drive
Sunny Point Intersection
Troy Ave. Reconstruction
Utility Relocation Design for Ketchikan Area Bridges
Willoughby & Glacier Ave. Reconstruction Phase II
Wood Duck Ave Reconstruction
Wrangell Downtown Street Reconstruction
and others